JavaScript DOM manipulation cheat sheet

JavaScript DOM manipulation cheat sheet

I made this cheat sheet so future me wouldn't have to go looking all over the web for the most commonly used methods to manipulate the DOM. Hope this is helpful for you too!

Select element from HTML into JS

I use the document object a lot in the following examples as it represents the web page. However, keep in mind we can use any variable here and it'll work the same.


In order to manipulate elements from the DOM we need to select it, usually this can be done by selecting the class or ID. This method does exactly as the name suggests:

  • document.getElementById('id-name')
  • document.getElementsByClassName('class-name')

When there are multiple classes with the same name this method will return a HTMLCollection. If you want your collection to be able to access array method use Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('class-name')) to convert it to an array.


These methods below can retrieve elements from the DOM using any CSS selector making it more versatile. For syntax make sure the CSS selector includes the # for ID and . for classes.

  • document.querySelector('CSS selector')
  • document.querySelectorAll('CSS selector')

When we use querySelector and there are multiple elements with the same CSS selector it will only select the first one in the DOM. querySelectorAll will return a NodeList of all elements. A NodeList can be converted to an array but not the other way around.

Parent, children and siblings

  • .parentElement is used to select children of element, we can access specific children using the same syntax as arrays
  • .children is used to select parent of element
  • .nextElementSibling used to select the next sibling and .previousElementSibling does the opposite


<div class="parent">
  <div class="child">First Child</div>
  <div class="child">Second Child</div>
  <div class="child">Third Child</div>


const parent = document.querySelector('.parent');
const child = parent.children;  //returns HTMLCollection

const secondChild = child[1]; //selects second child 
const parent = secondChild.parentElement; //selects parent of second child
const thirdChild = secondChild.nextElementSibling; //selects the next sibling


There are two methods to select the attribute of an element

  • element.getAttribute('attribute')
  • element.attribute


<div id="bye"> Hello </div>


const div = document.querySelector('div'); 

const methodOne= div.getAttribute('id'); 
const methodTwo=; 

// Both print bye 

Adding and Removing

Create Elements

This creates an HTML element, however even though it's been created it hasn't been added to the DOM yet so we won't see it show up on the page.

  • document.createElement(' ')
  • .classList. add(' ') we can use this to add a class
const newDiv = document.createElement('div'); 

//Results in DOM
<div class='bold'> </div>

Add Elements

  • .append(' ') adds the newly created element to the DOM
//select where we want to append to the new element to 
const body = document.body;

Remove Elements

  • .remove() removes elements
  • parent-element.remove(child-element);
  • .removeAttribute('...') removes attributes
  • .reset() resets form values to initial values

Example of removing element

const div = document.querySelector("div"); 


Modifying attributes

  • element.setAttribute('attribute') method modifies attributes

Data Attributes

Data attributes are custom attributes we can assign to elements, they always start with data-. The example below shows how we can access them.


<div id="gm" data-greeting='morning'> Good morning </div>


const greeting = document.querySelector('#gm');

console.log(greeting.dataset); //DOMStringMap
console.log(greeting.dataset.greeting); // morning 

//adds new data set attribute 
const newDataAttribute = greeting.dataset.newData = 'bye';



Modifying Style

If you want to set any CSS property use .style.propretyName making sure the property name is converted to camel case.


Modifying Class

There's a wide range of different methods with .classList, here are some of the most important ones:

  • .classList.add(' ... ') adds a new class to an element
  • .classList.toggle(' ... ') adds the class if it doesn't exist or removes it if it does exist
  • .classList.remove(' ... ') removes a class to an element

Modifying Text

There are a few options to manipulate text:

  • .textContent
  • .innerText
  • . innerHTML

So what's the difference?

Both .textContent and .innerText can alter strings the same but the only difference is how we view the output. .innertext prints out all indentation and spacing from the HTML while .textContent prints out what will be displayed on the website.


.innerHTML renders HTML inside the HTML element, this means we can render html from JavaScript. This can be extremely convenient however, it comes with certain security issues as now users can manipulate the HTML via .innerHTML.




element.addEventListener('event', function) method waits for an event to occur, usually done by the user, and then executes a function.

  • there are tons of events type we can listen for e.g. 'click', 'mouseover', 'keydown' etc
  • you can have multiple event listeners on one element
  • callback functions takes in the parameter e or event object, which contains information about the event that has just occurred. There are so many properties we can access using ., go through the list to see what you can use next time you code.


There is a third parameter called options addEventListener(type, listener, options), this can be used to execute the function just once and then remove itself

button.addEventListener('click', changeColor(), {once: true} );

.removeEventListener can be used to remove the event listener, example below removes it after 2 seconds.

const element = document.querySelector('div); 

element.addEventListener('click',  greeting);

setTimeout( function() {
  element.removeEventListener('click', greeting)
}, 2000); 

function greeting() {
  console.log('hello world');

e object

Common properties

  • what is being clicked
  • e.currentTarget: what owns the eventListener


array.forEach(function) method assigns a function for each element in an array or nodeList, this can be used to assign functions to a group of elements without repeating code.

Here is an example below, note child can be called anything and it is just used to identify the individual item in the array within the forEach parameter.


<div class="parent">
  <div class="child">First Child</div>
  <div class="child">Second Child</div>
  <div class="child">Third Child</div>


const children = document.querySelectorAll('.child'); //select all child divs

children.forEach( child => {
    child.addEventListener('click', changeColor);

function changeColor() { = 'red';